Our Cross-Office Team
In December 2012, NOAA leadership asked line offices across NOAA to identify members of their staff to lend their expertise towards the development of an Ocean Noise Strategy (ONS). The cross-NOAA team encompasses a diverse group of scientific experts, regulatory practitioners, managers, and lawyers who are knowledgeable in the field of ocean noise and represent multiple programs or authorities through which NOAA regulates or researches ocean noise. The breadth of this internal team is essential to ensure the priorities, needs, and capabilities across the agency are represented in the ONS. Later steps in developing this strategy will necessitate gathering additional feedback from outside NOAA, and solicitation of external input (Federal agencies, NGOs, other stakeholders) on the ONS will be sought.
NOAA Strategy Co-leads
Fisheries Office of Science & Technology (Jason Gedamke: jason.gedamke@noaa.gov)
National Ocean Service-Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (Leila Hatch: leila.hatch@noaa.gov)
Fisheries Office of Protected Resources (Jolie Harrison: jolie.harrison@noaa.gov)
NOAA Partners
Fisheries Science Centers
Fisheries Regional Offices
Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning
Coastal Services Center
Integrated Ocean Observing System
National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
National Centers for Environmental Information
National Marine Protected Areas Center
Office of General Counsel
Office of Habitat Conservation
Office of International Affairs
Office of Oceanic & Atmospheric Research
NOAA Acoustic Science Programs
Alaska Fisheries Science Center National Marine Mammal Laboratory
Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Office of Science & Technology- Ocean Acoustics Program
Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center
Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
Southwest Fisheries Science Center
Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary
NOAA Acoustic Management
Office of Protected Resources - Marine Mammal Permits & Authorizations
Office of Protected Resources- Marine Mammal Acoustic Guidance
Office of National Marine Sanctuaries Acoustic Policy Guidance